CNC, Laser CNC
Laser Marking, Laser Positioning, Laser Engraving, Laser Cutting
Portable, desktop fiber laser marking, MOPA color laser marking, full enclosed, CO2 and UV laser marking machines.
3-axis, 4-axis or 5-axis desktop CNC engraver
Vertical and Horizontal Spindle Desktop CNC Engravers from RobotDigg
4th or 5th Axis
Besides XYZ, the 4th axis is very popular in machining and almost any Horizontal Mill has a 4th Axis. When comes to the 5th axis, we are typically referring to the ability of a CNC machine to move a part or a tool on five different axes at the same time. 3-axis machining centers move a part in two directions (X and Y), and the tool moves up and down (Z). 5-Axis machining centers can rotate on two additional rotary axes (A and B) which help the cutting tool approach the part from all directions.