3D Printing in China
3D Printing in China
I am not sure when 3d printing comes to China but the first brand of personal 3d printer I know is Up!. After that I find there are 3d printer replicators from Hangzhou, Jinhua and Shenzhen. The word "replicator" is a word with wisdom. Makerbot 3d printer is copied by many Chinese manufacturers.
It seems that 3D printing comes to the public in China after TV News. Most people say, 3d printing will be the 4th industrial revolution. If that's true, China should take this opportunity to catch the trend to be one of the lead in industrial manufacturing.
But the fact is 3d printing in China is not moving fast and this is very obvious being demonstrated in school or university education. It is reported that 3D Printing Becomes Standard Equipment for UK Schools, English Schools Introduce Children To 3D Printers, Laser Cutters and Robotics.
In China, 3d printing is still geek. Mechanical and Electrical Prefessors in some of the Chinese Universities may have task of Scientific Research in 3D Printing but that's far behind other countries like U.S., U.K. and even Asia countries like Singapore, Malaysia.
China have a long way to go in 3D Printing and especially Education in 3D Printing to Schools, Univesities and the public. RobotDigg will follow this.
RobotDigg are so gald to have communication and business with Universities from Australia and U.S.