3D Printer Controller and Driver

When we talk about 3D Printers, we come to personal or portable 3d printers the most. When we talk about 3D Printing Technology, we conclude to FDM the most, even though SLA is getting popular. RobotDigg is going to launch LCD based SLA 3D Printer. Why? Because we are Makers, we 3Ders who are chasing to make 3D Printing Technology practical, affordable and easy to get.
Today RobotDigg is going to give you a brief introduction on the main board or motherboard, stepper driver and other electronics that a personal 3D printer will have.

Main board for 3D Printer XYZ, CoreXY, Delta, Scara, ARM for FDM, SLA or DLP? Mega 2560 R3? Ramps 1.4 or LCD1286 Controller?

MKS Gen V1.3, MKS Gen V1.4, MKS Base V1.4
Ultimaker v2.1.1
Taurino power improved version ERUDUINO 2560 24V
Reprap Melzi 2.0 1284P
Ultimaker1.57, Ultimaker v2.1.1, v2.1.4
Arduino UNO R3 Leonardo
Makerbot ReplicatorG MightyBoard
Megatronics v3
B9Creator DLP Printer Board
RUMBA Board improved version 6 stepper motors 12-35VDC
Generation6 Board 12-24VDC
Ormerod Duet 0.8.5, 4 extruders' solution for 3D Printing
DUET 3D Printer Board
ONE+V2.1 Mini 3D Printer Main Board solution
MKS Robin, Chip STM32
Dlion ARM32, Chip STM32, G-code
Lerdge ARM32, Chip STM32F4, G-code
ARM series is getting popular for independent development on control and drive in 3D Printing.
Compared with open source hardware ARM series are more reliable and robust. Brand 3D Printers can protect themselves from replicate.

Breakout Board
Ramps 1.4, Arduino cnc shield v3, Mach3 Breakout Board

Stepper Motor Driver
TMC2100,LV8729,there should be a break here that the above five stepsticks are chip base stepper motor driver which are used to stick into mainboard like Arduino Mega 2560, etc.

There are topics on the internet about stepper drivers like "DRV8825 vs TMC2100 vs THB6128" on RepRap Forum. But all those drivers are mainly for stepper motors Nema17 or smaller which is under 2A rated current.
For CNC Machines, you need a more powerful Nema23 stepper motor, then you need more powerful industrial stepper driver which is stronger driving force with higher power supply, current per phase and Heatsink itself. And for applications, high resolution microstepping, protocol of communication are needed, then you need Not only step or pulse and direction.