SGR10, SGR15N, SGR20N inner roller bearing linear guide


Specification{{specs.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}}:



Inner roller bearing linear guide

Double axis roller linear guide

SGR10 Roller Bearing Linear Guide

Aluminum profile built with linear shaft
roller bearing linear guideway
V Type Ball Bearing Roller
Length: 300mm, 400mm, 500mm or 1000mm
Roller bearing: 3 or 4 bearings. Please buy separately, thanks.
SGR roller bearing linear guide

Easy to install, maintenance and repair
Light weight with low friction
Rollers sealed for long life span
For high speed and moderate load linear motion
An economical alternative in many applications, the price is between SBR linear guide and the MGN Linear guide.
roller bearing linear guide

How to change the tension of the block?