RDS3128 or RDS3135 RDS3235 Coreless Servo w/ Bracket


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RC Robot Coreless Servo Motor

28kg.cm Coreless Servo with Bracket Metal Gear RDS3128MG- 180 Degree

General Specification

  • Storage temperature range: -20°C ~ 60°C
  • Operating temperature range: -10°C ~ 50°C
  • Operating voltage: 6V ~ 8.4V

Electrical Specification

Description 7.2V 8.4V
Operating speed (at no load) 0.10sec/ 60° 0.9sec/ 60°
Running current (at no load) 250mA 300mA
Stall torque (at lock) 25kg.cm 28kg.cm
Stall current (at lock) 3.2A 3.5A
Idle current (at stopped) 4mA 5mA
Description Specification
Overall dimension 40 x 20 x 40.5mm
Limit Angle 360°±10°
Weight 64±1g
Connector wire gauge #28 PVC
Connector wire length 320±5mm
Horn gear spline 25T/ψ5.80
Reduction ratio/td> 275:1
Description Specification
Operating frequency 50-330Hz
Operating angle 90° (from 1000 to 2000 usec)
Neutral position 1500 usec
Dead band with 3 usec
Rotating direction Counter clockwise (from 1000 to 2000 usec)
Pulse width range From 500 to 2500 usec

This is the RDS3128MG Coreless RC Servo Motor which is widely used for RC Robot builds.
RDS3135 Servo

New arrival: RDS3135 35Kgs Servo Motor 180 degree or 270 degree.