RDG460 4-axis or 4 DOF DIY robotic palletizer


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4-Axis Robotic Arm Simulator

This is a model of 4-axis ir460 robotic palletizer using SERVO, it's assembled item for education, demo and hobby only.
Servos 3pcs MG996 and 1pc SG90, power supply
Arduino uno r3 controller, etc
Mechanical parts
robotic palletizer

Q & A:
What does RDG-460 four-axis robotic arm model do?
It's a simulator model of ABB industrial robot manipulator which is a scale model of the structure can be controlled by the NC actual ideas manipulator motion of the model for teaching experiment, focusing on action demonstrates, there is no actual work load capacity.

RDG-460 axis robot arm to move the way?

Buyer re-programmed the code to play

Manipulator model is pvc plastic sheet, processed by CNC. Bottlenecks in the power steering gear arm torque arm plates are not deformed steering gear has been unable, pvc plastic Yet another advantage is the ductility of the material is suitable for mosaic bearing, bearing connection to increase the accuracy of structural, mechanical all arm joints are connected to high-quality bearings.

Four-axis robot arm which is four degrees of freedom, each axis angle range?
Manipulator six degrees of freedom:
a: 0-180 degrees waist
b: the boom arm size influence each other, the rotation angle range is variable
c: interaction forearm arm size, rotation angle range is variable
d: claw portion 0-180 degrees
(0 to 180 degrees is the theoretical value, the actual angle of between 5 to 175 degrees)

How precision manipulator?
Because the power industry manipulator model is the model with the steering gear, steering gear for internal use ordinary reduction gear backlash performance wrists free travel around 4mm, suitable for teaching the theory of verification and control, is not suitable for industrial production lines.

Is it a assembled arm received?
The arm is assembled, tested and packed, what you will receive is an assembled arm. A full 4-axis manipulator factory pre-programmed the video action to do the test, you will receive a manipulator plug and play, if you need it to do different actions, just reprogram.

Packing List
Axis manipulator chassis (assembled including servos)
arduino uno r3 * 1
arduino expansion boards * 1
5V4A switching power supply 1 *
Retrofit spare screws * 1 package
Unplugged program will work arm in factory pre-programmed video action test

What controls a full four-axis robot?
Arduino arm is microprocessor controlled, computer end arduino ide software in C programming language edit good arm action, upload via usb cable to the arduino microcontroller, arduino microcontroller can independently from the computer-controlled robot arm to complete the action. (Provided arduino tutorials and example code control).
Control example code is similar to teaching mode control, computer-controlled robotic arm to move the path of the key points, record each axis angle, and then edit the angle value to instruction, teaching to achieve a similar pattern.
If you used to do the reverse experiment can provide a reference code.
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http: //arduino.cc/en/Main/Software