1.5GT pulley 21 or 26 tooth 1.5mm pitch
Specification{{specs.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}}:
Quantit{{quantity > 1 ? 'ies' : 'y'}}:
1.5GT pulley
21 tooth 1.5GT pulley is equivalent to 16 tooth 2GT pulley, and 26 tooth 1.5GT is for replacing 20 tooth GT2 pulley.
Tooth Profile: The GT profile provides excellent engagement and reduces backlash.
Pitch: The 1.5mm pitch is relatively fine, and suitable for applications requiring high precision.
Material: Pulleys can be made from various materials, including aluminum(in stock supply), steel, and plastic, depending on the application's requirements.
Number of Teeth: The number of teeth on the pulley affects the gear ratio and speed of rotation.
Width: The width of the pulley must match the width of the timing belt.
Applications: 1.5GT timing belt systems are commonly used in:
3D printers
CNC machines
Other precision motion control systems.