Precious Plastic design 30mm diameter extrusion screw


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Screw and Barrel for Plastic Recycling

RobotDigg is glad to work with worldwide Plastic Recycling projects that can help to reduce, repair, reuse, and recycle Plastics.
This extrusion screw is designed by Dave Hakkens from Precious Plastic 30mm in diameter.
Material 38CrMoAlA (Stainless Steel is also available)
Band heater which is suitable for the barrel, copper band heater.
30mm extrusion screw

Tiger was wrong the extrusion screw is Not designed by Dave but it works great.
Feedback from the designer Peter-bas: "2020-01-17 17:47 Peter-bas: Hi, I'm the guy who designed the screw for Precious Plastics V4. I tested one of the screws you sent to Dave. Looks good!"
Precious Plastic V4

As per request RobotDigg also provides a plain barrel for the screw.
Plain Barrel
There is another option barrel which is designed by RobotDigg available as well.
RobotDigg Barrel
Extrusion Barrel

RobotDigg does Not only provide Precious Plastic Screws but also can Custom made your design plastic screws for extrusion or injection.
Precious Plastic Screw
30mm plastic extrusion screw

New barrels in cooperation with Meltingplot GmbH - Michael Kropa
extrusion screw tube
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