Reciprocating or self-reversing screw with block continuous linear


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Reciprocating or reversing screw and block

The screw is specially manufactured with a special nut to reciprocate at its travel ends.
RS1010-80 10mm pitch 80mm working length, 320mm in total
RS1010-100 10mm pitch 100mm working length 300mm total
RS1010-200 10mm pitch 200mm working length 400mm total
10mm diameter reversing screw is #304 stainless steel
Rolling ring linear drive similar function is available.

RS2020-250 20mm pitch 250mm working length 500mm total, #45 carbon steel
RS2525-500 25mm pitch 500mm working length 800mm total, #45 carbon steel.
It's different with a normal lead screw or ball screw which is one direction no return running except you change the motor from CW to CCW vice versa.

reciprocating screw
10mm reversing screw and block

2020 Reversing Screw Block

2525 Reversing Screw Block

Reversing Screw Application
Winch spooling shaft please contact us by email for a quote.

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