DG series multi-channel peristaltic pump head


Specification{{specs.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}}:



Multi-channel peristaltic pump head

Flow range: 0.0002-48mL/min
For slight flow rate, high accuracy, multi-channel transportation
Suitable for different thickness tube
Multiple pump heads available
Multi-channel Peristaltic Pump
Separate card design, easy to change the tube
DG-1A、DG-2A……DG-12A series pump head: 6roller, lager flow rate
DG-1B、DG-2B……DG-12B series: 10 roller, lower flow rate, high accuracy, low impulse
0.6×1,1×1, 2×1,3×1 tubes are made in Chin, others are import
[Tube installation]
Press twist plate (DG-1A、DG-1B, twist plate included) or card bevel and take out the card
Put the tube in the groove and fix the tube on STOP 2 ends, STOP distance 72mm, keep same flow rate of each channel
Put the card into pump body, installation finished
peristaltic pump