T5 12 or 14 tooth Timing Pulley


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T5 Pulley for Reprap Prusa Mendel

This pulley is good quality all alu pulley anodization treated, there is hundreds in stock for promotion.
From the beginning, 8 Tooth T5 Pulley is standard offer for Prusa Mendel, after 10 Tooth, 12 Teeth T5 Pulley are poupolar for new Prusa Mendel.
To use 12 Teeth T5 Pulley you just need to adjust the steps of the stepper motor to make it work better resolution.
Tooth Profile: T5
Tooth Number: 12
Bore Diameter: 5mm, 6.35 or 8mm It works with 5mm or 8mm shaft nema23 stepper.
Gear Width: 10mm for 9mm width T5 Timing Belt.

t5 pulley

6.35mm or 8mm bore T5 Pulley
t5 pulley

New arrival: 14 tooth T5 Pulley for 15mm wide T5 Belt.
T5 pulley 14 tooth 8mm bore
T5 pulley 14 tooth 6.35mm bore