Flat outrunner hollow shaft brushless gimbal motor


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Brushless Gimbal Motor

Gimal Motor is designed and ideal for Gopro stabilizer
Approximate payload weight range:0~50g, handled gimbal can not exceed this weight, aerial photography gimbal can exceed approximately 30% percent weight
Utilize high quality material and optimized production process ensure excellent performance and consistency
How is a brushless gimbal motor different from a regular brushless motor?
Gimbal Motor
"They are both low and high speed at the same time. Low speed, in that they never actually complete a full 360 rotation so you wouldn't normally think of measuring their speed in rpm, but high speed in that they need to respond instantly to sometimes very rapid changes in direction as the aircraft may be getting shook by vibrations and turbulence. That means they're meant to be light and fast, not powerful and slow. These motors are not meant to carry any kind of continuous load."