Solid tire with wheel hub for Electric Scooter


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Electric scooter tire and wheel hub

6200RS bearings and spacer
8 inches solid tire 200*50mm
HTM5M pulley wheel hub, the rear wheel
535-5M-15, 575-5M-15 belts are available from RobotDigg
5M Belts for Electric Scooter

Direct drive electric skateboard is now available like Raptor 2, but for 8 or 10 inches electric scooter, belt-driven is still the cost performance option.
Scooter Wheels
Note: The front wheel is Not coming with 3M or 5M pulley, the rear wheel is coming with one side 5M pulley. You can find 5M 5mm pitch timing belts for this scooter wheel from RobotDigg as well.