21, Mar, 2016
Stepper Motor Damper or Dampener

damperdampenerstepper motor

What's Damper or Dampener? From wikipedia, a damper is a device that deadens, restrains, or depresses. That's it damper is a kind of buffer between two parts or items. It's existed in daily articles like office chair, crane lift chair, peristaltic pump, etc. Stepper Motor Damper or Dampener for Stepper Motor Energy- absorbing Rubber with two pieces mounting face metals used onto N...

12, Mar, 2016
RobotDigg Equip Makers


RobotDigg started in 2013 stands for Robot Digging, and year 2013-2015 we struggle for More than 3D Printing. And from this year 2016, RobotDigg hope to equip Makers with much more weapons. Makers enjoy! Monkey Year, Drones Uproar in Heaven. Human Joint or RobotDigg Joint? Motorized, belt driven, bearings… RobotDigg, More than 3D Printing. RobotDigg, Equip Makers!RobotDigg Team 2020

29, Jan, 2016
Happy Monkey Year!

monkey yearrobotdigg

RobotDigg is in short leave from 4th, Feb 2016 to 14th, Feb 2016 to celebrate the Chinese New Year. RobotDigg Team wish our lovely friends a Happy Monkey Year 2016! Thanks to all the business, support, complimentary, Complain and Roar. Thanks to our workers! Hope all of you can enjoy the reunion and the coming Spring. Founder n Co-Founder: Tiger Huang, Derek Meng Jan 29th, 2016

05, Jan, 2016
New Year Event RobotDigg

robotdigg3d printerdrone

To upload the pack you received from ROBOTDIGG to win at most 10USD Refund. 1-9 will get 10USD refund 10-49 can get a 6USD refund 50-99 4USD refund Note: This event will last till 19th, Feb 2016. Refund will be issued after the Event is OVER. 1. Your order should be placed after the New Year Day 2016 2. Order shipped by Express and the order itself is over 50USD. 3. Upload here the pack you rece...

14, Dec, 2015
2015 Makers Up!

makers3d printerdrone

The end of 2015, as a maker you still have one month left for 3d printers, drones and more.Focus on Ultimakercreated through open-source collaboration Not news Chocolate is taken into 3d printing Where to start 3d printing?Printer in background? Created through open-source collaboration, Ultimaker's premium 3D printers are highly reliable and enjoyed by professional makers all over the ...Printer ...

04, Dec, 2015
3D Printing News of 1st week Dec2015

3d printing3d prtiner

Apple's patent application could potentially revolutionize multicolor 3d printing 3D Printing has changed the prototyping, living in space n building human physiology outside the body.Graphene 3D Lab Files Patent Application for Industry's Most Graphene 3D Lab Files Patent Application for Industry's Most Advanced 3D Printer And Innovative, Graphene Based Organic LED Light Source ....

16, Nov, 2015
3D Printer Review 2015

robotdigg1013d printer3d printing

Welcome to share with RobotDigg your think of 3D Printer of 2015.Recommend us 3D Printer 101, 3D Printing 101, Top 10 3D Printer of 2015,3D Printer Media 3dprintingindustry.com 3dprints.comTop 10 User Manual of 3D Printer

14, Oct, 2015
Questions want answers

prusa i3tooth number

RobotDigg want your answers on the following two questions: 1. Prusa i3 rework, do you really need a 300mm Tr5*2 lead screw threaded Nema17 stepper motor? 2. Do it matter an odd number of teeth or an even number of teeth of a timing pulley? We are glad to have your answers on these, please email to sales@robotdigg.com to win COUPONAnswers who win: 5mm screws are nice because they are considerably ...

08, Sep, 2015
Holiday Notice!


Some tips to order with RobotDigg&RobotDogg (RDG): 1. The "pay online' button will be activated within 12 hours, after RDG's quote of shipping cost for the placed order. You can leave us note of attention about declare, invoice by email, custom needs, etc. 2. You can log in to pay, cancel, make a new order and checking status, etc. 3. In usual, shipment will be shipped out within ...

21, Aug, 2015
The Most Common 3D Printers: Cartesian, Delta, and Polar


If you’re a regular reader here at Make, then you have seen many 3D printers. We talk about them all the time, and have even done comprehensive comparisons between many of the commercially available desktop printers in our Special 3D Printer Shootout Issue. One common question we get though, is “why does that one look different than the one over there?”. To hopefully answer that question a bi...

24, Jul, 2015
Makrtoolbox on Kickstarter


It seems that Drane n 3D Printing are the mainstream of Technology category on Kickstarter.As series report of Kickstarter Projects(KKP) RobotDigg(RDG) engaged, it shows we are in lack of feedback from clients except Tooli. Today we bring a cancelled project Makrtoolbox back, even though failed on funding but we were encouraged by kinds of funding projects.Trends of 3d printing that RDG want ...