17, Aug, 2016
Open Source

open sourceopenpnpopenhabopenmv

OPEN or Open Project is more and more popular in science and technology. The society need an Open Mind to solve problems together other than obstacle. The term "open source" refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible. It helps people save much money and time. There are many things that are “open source” such as open source hardware, open source softwa...

10, Aug, 2016
Project P3D-Delta

Delta RobotRobotDiggEducational Fund

2016/8/19 Michael said "everything arrived promptly and well-packaged". Looking for his updates then. 2016/8/10,RobotDigg are glad to announce Michael Xynidis wins RobotDigg Educational Fund’s second support. Michael Xynidis currently is a doctoral graduate student in Institute for Simulation and Training of University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL  U.S.A. P3D-Delta. It stands for, "Prototy...

25, Jul, 2016
6 DOF Motion Platform

6 DOFmotion simulatorstewart platform6 DOF AmusementVR 6 DOF

Today, we are going to learn what is 6 DOF, Six degrees of freedom (6DoF) refers to the freedom of movement of a rigid body in three-dimensional space. Specifically, the body is free to change position as forward/backward (surge), up/down (heave), left/right (sway) translation in three perpendicular axes, combined with changes in orientation through rotation about three perpendicular axes, often t...

20, Jul, 2016
Ball Bearing ABEC 5, ABEC7


Recently, one of my client asked me how to choose ABEC ratings, and which one is suitable for his machine .Maybe there are many guys also want to know something about it. Here are some simple introduction following my dig out.   First of all,the question is WHAT ARE ABEC RATING? The ABEC scale is an industry accepted standard for the tolerances of a bal...

22, Jun, 2016

robotdiggequip makers

Dear All RobotDigg Customers, Thank you for your long-term trust in RobotDigg www.robotdigg.com Equip Makers is always our goal. Thank you for following us and our daily visits is over 5000 today. Your business is also OURS. Some customers proposed to show their products in robotdigg.com. We discussed carefully. If RobotDigg can help you share your sound products, that’s a great thing! Hereby, Rob...

20, Jun, 2016
Project AMF

Rotor Drone

Congratulations from RobotDigg to Matteo 8th, August 2016, thanks for the builds and sharing. "The great news is a little more complicated, we're trying to find a way to release this project as 100% working by the end of the school year in a way that even if we stop developing it anybody else could continue our work (we were thinking about a virtualized pre-built web-service that can be installed ...

16, Jun, 2016

robotdiggeducational fundsponsor

ROBOTDIGG Equip Maker Hereby, it is announced that ROBOTDIGG has launched a yearly sponsor-Educational Fund by means of supporting students who may need ROBOTDIGG hardware yearly, starting from June 16th, 2016. Equip Makers is always the goal of our team, we hope student-makers can achieve better by ROBOTDIGG hardware supports. YEAR Total Fund Value Shipping+Hardwares Supporting Means Supporting O...

02, Jun, 2016
Heatsink in 3D Printing

heatsinkheat dissipationstepper motorextruder

Heat dissipation is one of the most important point of consideration while designing a hardware. In 3D Printing, heating is referred to several sections. And in this case, heat dissipation is one of the problem faced during printing. First, the stepextruder and hotend. Cartridge heater is widely used to heat the hotend to melt the printing material ABS, PLA, POM and so on. How to cool the hotend i...

30, May, 2016
Omni wheel vs mecanum wheel

omni wheelmecanum wheelrobot kitmobile robot

What is the difference of Omni Wheels n Mecanum Wheels? Let's see what the internet is telling us "Omni wheels are cheaper, and allow for truly omni-directional motion. The programming is really not that difficult. My team built a holonomic drive train this year and it was one of the best decisions we've ever made." Quoted from  the following technical discussion http://www.chiefdelphi.com/fo...

16, May, 2016
Hyperloop One


The Age of the Hyperloop Has Arrived. Well, for the Most Part WITH A DEEP hum, linear induction motors spun up a powerful magnetic field along 200 feet of track in the Nevada desert.Top 5 Free STL editors, to prepare your model for 3D printing Top 5 Free STL editors, to prepare your model for 3D printing anf their Pros and Cons: https://all3dp.com/free-stl-editor-open-edit-stl-file/.How expiring p...

11, May, 2016
Give Your Mom A Life Size 3D-Printing of You

3d printer3d printing

Latest 3d printer/printing news May 2016HP Inc. Targets 3D Printing Tech Startups with New Corporate Group: HP Tech Ventures The company made it clear right off the bat that their new Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printer, due out this year, and the entire 3D printing industry would be a ...Czech pilot is back with fantastic 3D printable RC Messerschmitt Bf 109T airplane Like its predecessors, it looks fant...

07, Apr, 2016
Differences between digital servo n analog servo

digital servoanalog servorc servos

Digital Servo and analog servo (RC Servos) in terms of the basic mechanical structure is exactly the same, mainly driven by a motor, reduction gear, control circuits and other components, and digital and analog servo steering gear is the biggest difference reflected in the control circuit, a digital servo control circuit of the servo microprocessor and more crystal than analog. Do not underestimat...