Aakar Brainboard

aakar brainboardrobotdigg | 31, Mar, 2015
RobotDigg has the duty to introduce remarkable products. Today we recommend Aakar Brainboard which is from India.
Aakar Brainboard v2 is a modular CNC controller board based on LPC1768/69 Cortex-M3 chip. Due to its modular design it allows easier upgrades as per requirements and easy replacement if there is any broken part. It runs on open source Smoothie modular firmware and is targeted at 3D Printers, Laser cutters, CNC Mills, Pick and Place and other small orMid-size CNC machines.
More information please refer to the following links:
Project Link: http://aakar3dp.in/aakar_brainboard/
Link to project details : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/102114487/Aakar%20Brainboard%20v2.docx
Campaign Link:http://igg.me/at/brainboardv2/x/8961739