Early Stage Startups

Am I wrong or are Adafruit, Makerbot, Sparkfun and others are?

Do we need a distributor? The whole story is as following.

'Recently I have been asking some companies like Adafruit, Makerbot and Sparkfun if I could become a distributor of their products in my country. Amazingly (or not?) I have been sort of rejected from all of them. For example in a trending company such as Adafruit, I asked about the requirements to become a distributor and I told them that I had the intention to develop an online shop to resell their products - They told me to contact them again once I had the online shop up and running and taking orders from customers.I replied that if all companies asked things like these, there would be no companies at all. Which company would be the first to let me sell their products without having already a prosper business?
Anyway, the stories are similar with the others. With Makerbot for example, they told me that I had to invest $250,000 USD to become an authorised reseller. Please correct me if I am wrong, but don't you think that a company that started like Makerbot should be the first to understand how businesses develop? Please! $250,000 USD? Of course they would let me buy "a few" printers if I wanted (well thanks a lot...) maybe with their permission I could do that!
The less frustrating experience was with Sparkfun, where they told me they "already feel very well represented" in my country. At least this could be understandable since there are probably deals in place with the current distributors, but even so, if somebody comes to me asking to sell my products, it wouldn't matter to me to have another sales representative, but again, maybe that's just me.
I don't pretend to have the truth, but I would be very happy to hear what other people think.'

RobotDigg think the future No need of distributor but retailer for e-business companies.
From the beginning, the Early Stage Startups, company like Adafruit need channel of sales or need fund to invest continuously. 'Distributor' is one of the thoughts in brain. But obviously, Makerbot or Sparkfun are looking for Strategic Cooperation not only a paper of meaningless distribution agreement which can Not draw sales dramatically.
After a time of development, the e-business company becomes more sensiable. It don't want to put all eggs in one basket to sign a distributor agreement with a new or not famous company who even don't want to invest to startup.

RobotDigg think retailer or discount to order per lot is more workable.
If you already have sales or fame in your area, for long turn you will get better pricing. And discount to order per lot will give the user the favor.

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