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2mm pitch GT2 Pulley

The GT2 or 2GT Tooth Profile timing pulley prevails in the 3d printing hobby cause the Round tooth profile brings high precision of non-backlash, were known as today's Reprap Pulley.
Our stock sizes are the 12 tooth, 16, 18, 20, 24, 32, 36, 40, 48, 50, 60 Tooth 3.175mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6.35mm(1/4 inches), 8mm and 10mm Bore Rostock GT2 Pulley, Reprap Pulley, Ultimaker Pulley for corresponding motor shaft or rod.

3mm pitch GT3 Pulley

GT3 3mm pitch round tooth profile

RobotDigg has the most sizes of endless or closed-loop gt2 belt from China. 3.5mm, 6mm and 9mm wide gt2 belt are in stock. In the same time, robotdigg are going to lauch 1.5GT open ended n endless belt as pioneer in China.
Very recently, RobotDigg is going to release gt2 pulley for 3.5mm wide gt2 belt which can be applied in robotics n drone.

3M, HTD3M, S3M 3mm pitch Pulleys

HTD3M 16T, 24T, 32T and 48T Pulley for 9mm wide belt

5M or HTD5M 5mm pitch Pulleys

HTD5M 10, 12, 14, 15 and 40 teeth pulleys

MXL 2.032mm pitch Pulley

RobotDigg also keep MXL pulley 18, 20 and 36 Tooth 5mm, 6.35mm and 8mm bore in stock other than Alu GT2 Pulley as option
Custom request on 2GT, 3GT MXL, XL, S2M, S3M, T2.5, T5, HTD3M and HTD5M Timing Pulleys, please email RobotDigg.

XL 5.08mm pitch Pulley

MXL, XL timing belt is thinner and light weight, good choice for application of low torque but high precision.

T2.5, T5 2.5mm and 5mm pitch Pulleys

T2.5 16 Tooth Pulley 5mm Bore, 20 Tooth 6.35mm Bore for 6mm wide belt
T5 12 Tooth Pulley 5mm n 8mm Bore for 9mm wide belt

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