4A Pulse n Direction Microstepping Driver


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Industrial Microstepping Driver

JT422 Stepper Driver User Manual
JT442 is a low-voltage digital two-phase micro-stepping stepper driver, using the latest 32 DSP technology, providing precision 0.05A current setting unit, and taking advanced digital filtering techniques, anti-resonance technology, and precision current control technology to make it implement the precise smooth operation, extra-low noise. It’s widely used in semiconductor, electronic processing equipment, laser processing, medical and small CNC equipment.

Power Supply: 20-40VDC
Output Current: 1.0-4.2A per phase
Control Mode: Pulse n Direction
Microstepping mode: Full, Half, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64 and 128th
SW4 DIP is for automatic half current.
It functions equal to DM542 and UIM24004
JT442 Stepper Driver