Ultra thin stepper motor Nema11 for stirrers
Specification{{specs.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}}:
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Ultra thin nema11 stepper motor for stirrers
Step Angle: 1.8+-5%
Two phase 4 wires
Rated Current: 0.3A
Holding Torque: 18mN.m
9.4mm Thickness
If you do Not need the gear and a 10mm long shaft, please visit
Ultraflat Steppers
This ultra-thin or ultra-flat stepper is specially designed for feeder of pick n place machine in the semiconductor industry known as electric feeder.
The stepper motor of Pancake is also fit for other applications of narrow space. Its feature which can run up to 4,500rpm, is much ideal for stirrer of analytic or scientific intruments.