F1 Modular DIY 3D printer SET RobotDigg Presentation
F1 Modular DIY 3D printer SET can be a 3D printer or be laser carving by exchanging a head.Is not it cool? When unpacked:
A bunch of modular components, the assembly process is simple
A few screw, follow the instructions on the line. Connect according to the instructions
Installed on the drive, this operating system is very simple. No need to install, directly copy into the computer.
Masking Tapes is neccessary
Then insert card and print
This machine can not be imported directly into the computer's file print.Need to first copy the file and settings into the SD card. SD card is inserted into the machine that is automatically printed. The period can be controlled via the software console. Takes effort, but can improve safety and stability.I agree with that The first question that started printing was not attached
This is every printer are inevitable debugging process. Adjust the heating temperature and the first layer distance
Compare the print effect of the scara arm 3D printer
It is clear that the accuracy is much higher. What to do with a small part of the use should be competent.One of the shortcomings is to play too high base easy to Alice off Increase the temperature of the hot bed with the anti-alice of the print wire may be resolved
Now let's try the laser.First turn the print head into a laser head.Plug the line
Fixed wood board, wear glasses, same method, import files and settings into the SD card, Card to play. The laser sweeps wood no response. The original is the laser head no focus distance.This adjustment can only be done manually.After all, is the wood can burn the laser. But I was told that the laser power is not high.
The chopsticks head so thick laser transferred to the toothpick thick. Or recommend the use of the process more careful!
The laser has two modes of engraving and cutting
Engraving mode
Cutting mode
Beacon four corns fragrance
This feeling really a little excited to say
Image reverses 50% fill effect
FI Modular 3D Printer online buying link,F1 Modular DIY 3D Printer SET